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5 Ways Apps Can Make Life (and Business) Easier


There’s a cool app for almost everything, but don’t overlook these useful apps that can help you be productive in school or on the job. After all, who couldn’t use a little help with life’s everyday tasks?

Avoid being distracted by trends or the most-popular-for-now apps. The key is finding apps that work for you. Instead of simply scrolling through the App Store, a good starting point is to consider areas of school or work that stress you the most.

Here are a few areas where students at New England College of Business get the most benefit from finding time-saving apps:

1. Organizing Time

So much to do and remember and so little time, right? Keeping up with projects, assignments and tasks can be stressful. Productivity apps such as Todoist, Wunderlist and Evernote are easy ways to set reminders for yourself. Study tools like Quizlet can help with preparation, and apps like SelfControl can reduce distractions.

2. Storing files

While everyone’s storage needs differ, it’s hard to beat Google Drive. It’s free and can be used with smartphones, tablets or computers. Dropbox is another popular app.

3. Calculations

No, we’re not just talking calculators. MyScript, for example, allows you to write an equation on your phone screen and digitally convert it to text. Converter Plus is a free app that will convert just about anything, including currency, loan interest, metrics to imperial measurements, temperatures and even cooking volumes.

4. Language

Google Translate (available from the App Store and Google Play) should get a close look for anyone preparing for international business or travel. If you’re looking to learn a new language, Duolingo is a language learning app that offers courses for free.

5. Budgeting

Keeping tabs on your money doesn’t have to be feast or famine. Apps such as Mint and Penny allow you to put all your accounts, cards and investments into one place to better track your spending, create a budget or receive bill reminders.

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